Customer Testimonials

Hear About Us in our Customer's Words

Customer Testimonials

We’re not new in the manufacturing game, and we have tons of experience and tons of successful projects to show for it. Here are some of the testimonials of people we’ve helped to dominate their niche.

Rosina Makes Dreams Come True With Frain

Rosina Makes Dreams Come True With Frain

FRANKLIN PARK, IL – A packaging machine, customized to fit your needs, up and running within weeks, and producing better than expected. Sound like a dream? The Frain Group, a leader in the packaging and used machinery industry, makes dreams like this a reality....

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Ringger Adds Frain to their Food Chain

Ringger Adds Frain to their Food Chain

FRANKLIN PARK, IL — Timing is everything. And when it comes to supplying packaging machinery, Frain Industries’ timing couldn’t be better. Ringger Foods, a manufacturer that produces ingredients for candy bars, needed a specialized conveyer for new...

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Luciano Offers Packaging Solutions

Luciano Offers Packaging Solutions

  “Usually, putting together a packaging line with new equipment takes close to a year,” says Luciano. “But when you don’t have the luxury of time, used equipment may be a viable option.” Pfizer was able to benefit from the enormous...

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Sarah Lee’s Award-Winning Cheesecake Bites

Sarah Lee’s Award-Winning Cheesecake Bites

Sara Lee’s award winning Cheesecake Bites went national six months into their test market phase of production. Attributing this success to an expert team of engineers, product managers and production line employees, Sara Lee was able to turn a hot product idea...

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Modern Day David Battles Food Goliaths Every Day

Modern Day David Battles Food Goliaths Every Day

David Lewis, Little Crow Foods’ plant operations guru, relishes his small company’s battles with the Goliaths of the food industry. And he is proud that the owners of his company have confidence that he will find ways to produce Little Crow’s...

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Chuck Adams

We started out with one package and it changed, but because of the depth of Frain’s inventory, they were able to move me into the right machine.

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Bill Anderson

Frain’s machine credits allowed us to purchase a case packer we desperately needed but did not have in our budget. Great idea!

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Louis Prue

Louis Prue

I really enjoyed my visit. You all should be proud of the way the company is presented. Nice and clean, well organized, and professionally staffed.

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