New England Capper 4 Head (Capper) NERCCE-2004-S

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New England, Model NERCCE, 4 head, stainless steel, rotary chuck capper and Model NES 36 cap feeder and bowl sorter. Equipped with 150" long x 3¼" wide product conveyor, 24" rotary turret with four servo driven pneumatic chucks on 15" centers, electronic torque control, interlocked safety guarding and Micrologix PLC with Panel View.

NES 36 stainless steel cap feeder and sorter has 30" long x 27" wide x 26" deep cap hopper and 55" long x 10" wide flexlink conveyor belt with 3-1/2′ high cleats on 10" centers and 36" OD stainless steel sorting bowl.

Speed dependent on materials, application and machine configuration.

OAD: 155" L x 48" W x 87" H Capper
56" L x 42" W x 90" H Feeder

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  • 41+ Years in Business


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