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Avins Fabrication skid mounted blending system. Equipped with (2) 125 gallon jacketed tanks. Vessel dimensions: 30" diameter x 42" deep with a 38" straight wall; each 125 gallon tank equipped with a 16" manway and 0.30 HP prop agitation. (1) 100 gallon single wall tank. Vessel dimensions: 30" diameter x 36" deep. (2) APV W+35/35 centrifugal pumps and (1) Wilden P200 air diaphragm pump.
OAD: 105"L x 122"W x 112"H
Busse / Arrowhead Systems, model 8′ x 20′ warmer, conveyor style spray bottle warmer. Equipped with a 18" wide x 150" long infeed conveyor, 94" wide x 250" long conveyor thru tunnel with a 19" high aperture, (22) spray nozzels supplied by a 10 HP Paco centrifugal pump with a 7¼" diameter impeller, 96" wide air knife supplied by a 7½ HP blower and 18" wide x 150" long discharge conveyor. Water heated by a Bell and Gossett shell and tube heat exchanger.
OAD: 309"L x 177"W x 96"H
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