Assuming the Speed

Many engineers, plant managers, operation managers, and business owners determine the machine or line speed or rate they need based on unfounded assumptions. The bottom line is calculating the number of units or cases you need to ship per day, week, or month and work backwards from there.

However, major consideration in calculating the speed you will need is determining the approximate date when you will actually have the machinery you need up and running.  Some packaging machinery customers wait several weeks if not months to receive machinery which can be ready in days.

Does getting the machinery a month sooner change your speed requirements?  Maybe, but it’s possible you’re assuming a scenario that’s less ideal than what is actually possible.  Have you considered all alternatives?  Have you considered the resources needed to get the machine operational and up to the speed you expect?

Countless times potential equipment buyers call Frain assuming they needed a machine capable of higher speeds than actually needed.  This is only realized after discussing their requirements and machinery with one of our engineers.

If you don’t see the machine you’re looking for on our site, don’t let that stop you from calling us – because you may not need that exact machine.  Who knows?  You could end up saving a lot of money going with a different route and machine.

One thing for certain is that many of our customers come to us first and leave here confidence that they’ve selected the right machine for the speed they actually need.

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