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Stainless steel belt conveyor with double sided platform. Equipped with a 36" wide x 144" long belt with an infeed height of 55½" and (2) 23" wide x 132" long platforms with 42" high guard rails.
OAD: 152"L x 107"W x 85"H
CMI Equipment, model M1-3.9, inclined belt conveyor. Equipped with a 20" wide x 172" long belt with a 20" infeed height and 76" discharge height.
OAD: 176"L x 33"W x 81"H
CMI Equipment & Engineering Co. Model MNL stainless steel, trough style, high powered, multi noozle vegetable spray washer with pounds of product per hour – depending on materials and application. Equipped with 180" long x 32" wide x 28" deep slant bottom wash trough with 135" long x 3-1/2" OD threaded side water supply pipe and 1-1/2" end bottom drain port. (16) top, (11) on one side, (6) on the other side and (4) end, 2" wide high power spray noozles each with its own individual adjustment control lever. bottom recirculation basin and 67" long x 30-1/2" wide incline dewatering conveyor belt with 10 Hp centrifugal pump. Controll panel has start, stop, push buttons and speed control dial. Mounted on stainless steel base frame. Perfect way to wash fruits, radishes and leafy salad greens such as celery, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, radicchio, romaine and spring mix.
OAD: 247" L x 54" W x 62" H
CMI Equipment & Engineering Co. Model MNL stainless steel, trough style, high powered, multi noozle vegetable spray washer with pounds of product per hour – depending on materials and application. Equipped with 180" long x 32" wide x 28" deep in feed to 3" deep discharge, slant bottom wash trough with 135" long x 3-1/2" OD threaded side water supply pipe and 1-1/2" end bottom drain port. (16) top, (11) on one side, (6) on the other side and (4) end, 2" wide high power spray noozles each with its own individual adjustment control lever. 67" long x 30-1/2" wide flex-link incline cleated dewatering conveyor belt with 1/2" high cleats set on 6" centers to a bottom 93" long x 35" wide x 26" deep stainless steel reculation basin with 10 Hp centrifugal pump. Controll panel has start, stop, push buttons and speed control dial. Mounted on stainless steel base frame. Perfect way to wash fruits, radishes and leafy salad greens such as celery, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, radicchio, romaine and spring mix.
CMI Equipment, precision trimmer for topping and tailing. Rated from 20 to 65 count per minute with capacity of over 3,000lbs per hour – depending on materials, application, machine configuration and operator dexterity. Equipped with a 48" long load area, product holders set on 10" centers, automatic adjusting blades, and top hold down wheel through cutting head powered by a 5 hp hydraulic pack. Cutter discharges into a 10" wide x 55" long cleated incline conveyor with 2" high cleats set on 8" centers powered by a ½ hp drive. Feeder discharges onto a 78" long x 36" wide stainless steel cleaning table with (2) operator stations each with a foot pedal operated air blase and 12" diameter waste port.
OAD: 100"L x 47"W x 75"H (Cutter) 60"L x 23"W x 72"H (Feeder) 78"L x 36"W x 43"H (Table)
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