Portioned Convenience

Who doesn’t like a little honey in their tea?

I recently stumbled across a raving review on Nature Nate’s Honey and made a mental note to at least try some at some point.

That point came yesterday when I unexpectedly saw it being sold for a premium in to-go packets, each containing 10ML of portable honey.

I was taken a bit back by the difference in price to the traditionally packaged honey but ultimately had to try it based on reviews.

It’s very good…

The new packaging flipped the dynamic of who would use it and how they would use it as the contents itself wouldn’t just sit on a shelf at home – but instead be immediately split up and sent to work, school, etc.

The convenience of multiple, portable packaging adds a whole new dimension and set of usage over traditional packaging.

Now, kids could put one in their lunch and I could take one to work to add in my coffee, while the original package itself stays at home.

This reminded me of Daisy’s Sour Cream packaging design, which completely revolutionized the traditional use and user of their product.

Convenience trumps many other features in packaging and finding a way to make products more convenient maybe just a matter of stretching them out of the comfort zone packages into smaller – on the go packaging.

Rethink your packaging…test, test, and test some more.

Testing smaller, more functional sizes may open up a whole different usage pattern and user for your product for which your customers are willing to spend an extra buck.

Frain similarly has offered more convenience in renting out, lending and borrowing our machinery for various customer projects.

Traditionally, companies bought machinery from Frain.  In our new model, customers move faster by renting the immediately-needed machinery from Frain and assessing their next move based upon financials and data that are now real, not just forecasted.

This move to convenience, like Nature Nate’s Honey packets, has likewise opened new customer bases and loyal customers for Frain.

Buying and waiting on million-dollar machinery that you may only need for a short while is like putting the entire jar of honey in your pocket for one cup of tea you may drink later in the day.

Borrow what machinery you need, for now.  And, we’ll be here when you need more or something else quickly.


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