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Home » Equipment » Canco Seamer 1 Head 08
Canco, Model 0-8, Automatic, single head can seamer. Rated from 5 to 40 containers per minute – depending on materials, application and machine configuration. Can size range: 307 to 603 in Diameter x 208 to 900 in Height (with proper change parts). Equipped with (4) roll, double seam, single seaming head, 10" high can lid magazine, 32" long lugged chain feed conveyor set on 7½" centers, hand crank adjustable with 3 Hp motor drive and safety guarding. Mounted on 34" x 36" cast iron base frame with leveling screws. Change parts are required to accommodate different can sizes. Currently set for 603 diameter can.
OAD: 60" L x 65" W x 84" H
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