Markem X45 Coder

Frain has Markem X45 Coders in Stock Now!
About the Markem X45 Coder
The Markem X45 coder is cost-effective, high-performing and capable of tracking overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) data. Ideal for low and medium-speed packaging lines, the X45 can code up to 220 printed packs per minute at 300 dpi. Designed to code flexible film packaging, it features a 10.1-inch color user interface to provide a fully intuitive user experience in just a few clicks.

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Frain gives you an all-encompassing solution with a fraction of the lead times of an OEM. Every machine that leaves our facility is equipped with state of the art control panels, electronic/robotic features, set to your specifications and tested at our facility running your product. By renting Frain’s Plug and Play Packaging and Processing Machinery, you have access to brand new machinery dialed into your product, complete with the latest controls and a full eight hours of training from our experts.