Take The Plunge

Remember the Nestea Plunge?  In Chicago, this time of year, we have the Polar Plunge to support Special Olympics athletes.  And, in the CPG industry all year round there’s a frequent “plunge” that’s made in choosing new product packaging, promotions, and pricing.

In the end, data will show what is successful and what falls short of expecations.  But, why belabor these decisions when you can have your cake and eat it too by executing multiple ideas simultaneously.

Frain recently came across a customer mulling between two different packages types to bring to market in 2017.  The client expected to make approximately $4 MM in incremental revenue per month regardless of package, but believed in discussing (over a period of weeks) which idea might work best.

We calculated at least $25K in lost opportunity for every hour they stalled.  In fact, the initial costs of renting the machinery would be replaced within minutes of running the machinery.  So, before the first hour of machinery usage is over – the machinery is essentially running for free.

Such is the case with many customers we talk to on a daily basis.  Sometimes, we’re fixated by elements that are negated in the long run or even the short run.

Gaining market share and maximizing revenue can come from great ideas – but being able to execute three ideas before your competition can decide on one idea will put you miles ahead of your competition over time.

You’ve heard some doubters say you can’t just throw ideas against the wall and see what sticks.  Today, with companies like Frain who can quickly provide quality machinery for rent or lease – you can.  Throw at will!  Quickly!  And, see what sticks (and what doesn’t).  We’ll support your machinery needs as you inevitably evolve and gain in revenue and market share.  Happy plunging!


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