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Home » Equipment » Aasted Candy Chocolate Tempering 2000
Aasted, Model 2000, 7 plate, chocolate tempering system rated up to 2,000 kg or 4,400 lbs per hour with maximum pressure rating of 6 bars – depending on materials and application. Equipped with 28" OD x 22" H tempering chamber, (7) plates, 18" OD x 2-1/2" high water jacketed plates, scrape surface agitated zones and flanged bolt down cover with (24) ½" bolts on 3" centers and top 2"OD / 1½" ID Tri-clamp and bottom 2½"OD / 2"ID Tri-clamp product ports and side 3/4" ID side water ports and modular turbulent flow water system, with filters for rapid heat transfer and cooling thru surface area of the tempering elements. and bottom mounted 7.5 Hp motor drive, Mounted on (4) leg frame with casters
OAD: 35" L x 42" W x 84" H
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