Equipment Automation: Productivity

Manual and semi-manual production rely highly on their employees and operators. This, over time, leads to product inconsistencies, damage, and ultimately decreased production. Not to mention a boost in material costs.

Individuals become tired, slow down, and have a shorter attention span as an eight or ten-hour shift progresses. The product and/or product packaging are now at risk of becoming inconsistent or damaged.

Moreover, people cannot compare to machines when it comes to speed. Depending on the application, individuals can safely and accurately produce up to 1/4 of product – on average – compared to an automatic machine.

For example, Frain took a customer from a manual process that on average produced 5 complete bottles of product per minute to 20. In a 50-minute 10-hour shift, the company produced 2,500 bottles manually while the Frain automatic application yielded 10,000…four times as much production and revenue.

The bottom line is that automated packaging produce more than manual labor/operators and ultimately cut down costs while increasing productivity.  In fact, it’s better to couple your best people with machinery for getting the job done more efficiently.

A wide selection of automatic packaging and processing equipment with flexible rental and leasing options is the first step in easily automating your application and maximizing profit.

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