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Create Beautifully-Packaged Products with Labeler Machines

How do you get from a generic can to a beautifully-labeled can? The answer to this question makes a big difference in the marketplace. A labeler doesn’t just make you more efficient, but set up correctly, it will give you a consistency and professionalism that will show beautifully on a store shelf.

So what can you use it for?
Oil bottles, such as motor oil.
Large spice containers.
Oblong bottles, like window cleaner.
Any other square or rectangular bottles or packages

Frain knows labeling machines inside and out. Our experts and technicians go through all our machines part by part. And once we get it shipped and delivered to your facility, we fine-tune it on the floor to match your line.

And if it’s been a while since you’ve seen this kind of thing, the industry’s made some pretty cool improvements, including one-button speed control. One button. No need to fine-tune…you just do it in one spot.

Pretty cool, right?

To top it off, Frain offers our unique flexible financing and industry leading ultra-fast delivery on all of our machines. Give our engineering team a call today to get started. Frain: do more, faster, for less.

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