Photo of Tronics Labeler Front/Back & Wrap S3S

Tronics Labeler Front/Back & Wrap S3S

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Tronics Model 3S3, stainless steel, left hand, front, back and wrap pressure sensitive labeler rated from 100" to 1,200" on front / back labels and 50" to 600" on wrap labels per minute with number of product – depending on materials and application. Label size range: 1" to 8-1/2" in Height; 12" in length and can handle containers up to 8" in diameter. Equipped with 120" long x 7-1/2" wide plastic Delrin product in feed conveyor with adjustable guide rails, 60" long x 1" wide top hold down conveyor, spacing wheel, aligning chains for container squaring, dual label heads with 9" high peeler plates and 16" long x 6" high side wrap conveyor all hand crank adjustable. Control panel has touch pad controls with read out and e-stop. Mounted on stainless steel base frame with casters and leveling legs.

OAD: 120" L x 72" W x 72" H

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