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Mixer Powder Plow mixers are similar to the paddle mixer but have actual plows positioned about the horizontal shaft to facilitate intense mixing. Plow powder mixers actually plow through and throw the product is specified directions to improve the mixing. Plow powder mixers are very efficient mixers and can usually achieve the required mixology of the product in very short time periods. Because they impart high energy not the mixing process heat rise can be a problem with heat sensitive products.
American Process Systems, Model CPB-30, 52ft³ total and 30 ft³ working capacity, 304 stainless steel jacketed plow mixer with pounds of product per hour – depending on materials and application. Interior chamber dimensions: 40" in Diameter x 72" in Length. Equipped with (8) plows powered by 20 Hp drive, (2) side chamber safety interlocked access doors, flanged 22" OD / 18" ID center bottom discharge with safety grate and pneumatic valve with 2" floor clearance. Mounted on heavy duty frame.
MAWP: 150 PSI @ 650°F
Jacket Access:(2) 2" NPT
Top Access:(2) 10" ID; 16"OD
Bottom Access:(2) 3" NPT
Steam Injections:(6) 3" NPT
OAD: 232"L x 46"W x 65"H
LIttleford, Model FM-130-D, 130 litre total drum volume with 35 to 90 litre (1.2 ft³ to 3.2 ft³) working capacity, 304 stainless steel, jacketed, laboratory mixer with amount of product per hour – depending on materials and application. Equipped with jacketed chamber and has inner dimensions of: 18" diameter x 26" long with (4) 1" threaded jacket fittings and (4) plows on 3" OD shaft powered by 10 Hp motor, 7" OD (4) blade chopper with 10 Hp drive, 22" x 13" lift up cover with 8"ID charge port. Control panel has start and stop for mixer and chopper, with jog button and timer. 6"W x 4"L center bottom flush valve with 10" OD / 14" ID bolt flange discharge with 35" ground clearance. Mounted on heavy duty (4) leg frame.
MAWP: 75 PSIG @ 320°F
OAD: 52" L x 65" W x 86" H
Littleford, Model FKM600-D, 21.9 ft³ total capacity / 12.9 ft³ working capacity, 316 stainless steel jacketed plow mixer with pounds of product per hour – depending on materials and application. Interior chamber dimensions: 32" in Diameter x 48" in Length. Equipped with (5) plows powered by 20 Hp drive and (2) 5 Hp choppers, with side chamber safety interlocked access door. 15" ID center bottom discharge with 41" floor clearance. Mounted on (4) leg frame.
Top Access:(1) 13" diameter with bolt down cover(1) 6" diameter open vent
Jacket Access:(4) 1½" NPT
OAD: 88"L x 60"W x 96"H
Littleford, Model FKM600-D, 21.9 ft³ total capacity / 12.9 ft³ working capacity, stainless steel plow mixer with pounds of product per hour – depending on materials and application. Interior chamber dimensions: 32" in Diameter x 48" in Length. Equipped with (5) plows powered by a 20 hp drive, (2) 10 Hp choppers, side chamber safety interlocked access door, flanged 19" OD / 15½" ID center bottom discharge with safety grate and pneumatic valve at 36" floor clearance. Mounted on (4) leg stainless steel frame with push button start / stop controls.
OAD: 115"L x 62"W x 96"H
Littleford, Model M-5, 0.20 ft³, stainless steel mixer. Chamber dimensions: 8" diameter x 7" long. Equipped with (4) plows on 1" diameter shaft powered by a 3 Hp motor, top mounted 5¼" long x 2¾" wide bolt down access door with vents and 1½" NPT bottom discharge with flow valve and 9" ground clearance. Control panel with touch pad display, E-stop and digital temperature display.
Jacket Ports:(3) ¼" NPT
MAWP: 150 psi @ 450°F (Jacket) FV @ 450°F (Chamber)MDMT: 32°F @ 150 PSI (Jacket) 32°F @ FV
OAD: 38"L x 22"W x 32"H
Littleford, 600 Liter, 20 ft³ plow mixer. Chamber dimensions of: 36" OD / 32" ID; 48" Long. Equipped with 30" long x 26" wide x 16" deep top mounted product feed hopper with flip-up cover and safety grid, one 11" OD / 6" ID flanged top port, two18" x 14" side access doors with safety shut-offs. Interior has (6) 10-1/2" long x 9-1/2" wide mixing plows with 2-1/2" wide x 1" thick spokes set on 4" OD shaft powered by 20 Hp main belt to motor drive with safety guarding. Additionally features two high speed side mounted choppers with 5 Hp motor drives. Center bottom 20" OD flanged discharge port and 12" x 12" swing door discharge valve with 24" ground clearance. Rates dependent on materials, application and machine configuration. Stainless steel contact parts.
OAD: 84" L x 60" W x 70" H
Lodige, Model FM-130D,130 litre total drum volume with 35 to 90 litre (1.2 ft³ to 3.2 ft³) working capacity ploughshare batch powder mixer with pounds of product per hour – depending on materials and application. Has 304 stainless steel contact parts. Chamber dimensions of: 19½" ID x 26½" Long with 12" x 20½" flip up, bolt down cover. Equipped with (4) bolt on mixing plows mounted on 3" OD shaft powered by 5.3 Hp motor to belt drive with safety cover. 6¼" x 4¾" center bottom flush valve discharge chute with 31" ground clearance and push button controls. Mounted on heavy duty base frame.
OAD: 54" L x 40" W x 63" H
Littleford 130 Liter (4.6 cu ft) jacketed stainless steel plow mixer. Vessel Dimensions: 27" Long x 20" Diameter. Jacket Specifications: MAWP 75psi @ 320° F. Equipped with 8" diameter x 9" high in feed chute, dual spray nozzles in feed, 3" mixing shaft with 3 plows, 5" diameter chopper blade, temperature probe, jacketed vessel with (4) 1" OD threaded jacket in/outlets, air end seals, manually operated 6" wide x 4.5" long discharge door with 30" ground clearance, Additionally features clamp down cover with interlocks, 10hp mixer drive, 10hp chopper drive, mixer/chopper start/stop controls.
OAD: 60"L x 45"W x 76"H
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